Wednesday 1 February 2012

Death Town Trailer - First Draft

As a group we had our shooting schedule and we had the initial storyboard of what was going to happen in our trailer. We then had to find the time to fit in filming it. Unfortunately filming took us two weeks instead of the initial one week that we had planned out. After filming we uploaded everything to iMovie, the program that we were going to use for our editing. As a team we sat down and edited our trailer, cutting down scenes and deleting some other scenes entirely. We then set about finding the right music to add into the background of trailer so that it would fit with the films genre, and we also added different editorial effects such as cuts, fades and intertitles which would make out trailer look professional, keeping in line with the conventions of a real film trailer. After we had finished editing our first draft for our trailer, we uploaded it to Youtube and Facebook in order to receive feedback on what we could do better. Here is our first draft;

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